Craigslist, being such a heavily used site, offers a lot of potential. With a vast number of classified sections, there is almost bound to be a place on Craigslist that you can advertise your goods or service. You'll find an enormous amount of people offering all kinds of services and goods, probably more than you can imagine. But is there anyway to make the most of Craigslist? Are you paying as much attention to your ad as you should? Do you just post an ad and hope that someone will contact you? Putting some thought into your ad headline can greatly improve the effectiveness of your Craigslist ads. Here are some tips to help you get the most from your ads.
One thing you need to keep in mind when posting on Craigslist is that there is a lot of competition. As a result, there may be many other ads just like yours already on Craigslist. With this in mind, you should focus on what you can do to make your ad as unique as possible. If posting in the Small Biz section, using a headline such as "Great Small Business Opportunity" would probably draw very little if any attention from browsers. Your headline really needs to stick out and attract attention. It should create interest and make the user want to click on it to find out more. Don't reveal everything in your headline. If you reveal too much and give everything away, a person may decide not to click on your headline and instead continue browsing. Therefore, you should focus on creating interest with the goal of making the person want to click on your headline to find out more. A quick example for the Small Biz section would be "How I Fired My Boss & Made Him Work For Me". You can most likely come up with much better headlines than this, but hopefully this should show you the kind of interest that you should try to create using headlines.
Another way you can improve the effectiveness of your headlines is by using symbols. If you browse through Craigslist you will see that some advertisers are using symbols such as little stars or happy faces in their ad headlines. These are quite easy to use and a quick look through your "start" menu in any Windows based operating system should reveal how to do this. Why are these symbols good to use? Because they stand out. Craigslist users have grown accustomed to the pages upon pages of text while browsing through the different classified sections. As a result, everything begins to look the same, text just looks like plain boring text. However, if you use a symbol, these are vastly different in shape and size to standard text and immediately jump out from the page and draw attention. I wouldn't overdo the use of these symbols, just one at the start and one at the end. This will greatly improve your chances of drawing in attention and making someone click on your ad to find out more once they have read your interest creating headline.
Craigslist is an enormous site with lots of traffic but one really needs to know what or how to utilize the traffic to its fullest potential. One way you can do this is by making sure your headlines are interest and create interest. Craigslist users are all too used to see thousands upon thousands of ads all selling similar products or services. By making your ad title interesting, there is a good chance they will click on your ad to find out more. Also, through the use of symbols you can make your headline stand out on the page and increase the chance that someone will read your headline and become interested in what you are offering.
How to Make Your Craigslist Headlines Money Magnets
Posted by
on Monday, April 13, 2009
business finance,
craiglist headlines,
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